
Advanced Services

Next-level approach that goes above and beyond the typical cyber prevention program, for organizations seeking a third-party audit of their systems.

Active System Monitoring

A credentialed technician will check the overall traffic and operation of the network to:

Identify compromised systems or devices.

Install monitoring software on workstations and devices to verify network health.

Create alerts for a detected breach or unusual traffic.

Penetration Testing

This is an authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate security and stress test for vulnerability:

Performs network vulnerability scan.

Tests ports

Indicates weakness in deployments.

Indicates a mitigation plan if necessary.

Phishing Tests

Phishing is sending a fake email that convinces an employee to click on it and enter a password or other sensitive data:

We design custom templates that mimic your company's operations software to test your employees.

If we catch an employee, we alert their supervisor and automatically enroll them in additional cyber training.

Cyber Remediation

Understanding the type of attack – email data compromise, Ransomware, server hack, etc. is important to make sure it never happens again. To remediate cyber-attacks Veroot partners with a nationwide cyber forensics company that’s primary mission is to help organizations recover from cyber breaches.